Upstate Apple Users Group

6/25/24 General Meeting


Using UAUG's Private Message Board 

Tuesday, June 25 — In Person/Discord

IN PERSON: Room opens at 6pm., presentation at 6:30pm

DISCORD: Meeting Room channel will open at 6:30  

Join us Tuesday, June 25 at Dunham Library in Whitesboro or on Discord to learn about the group's private message board, our Discord server. What's that, you say? Some months ago, the group was forced to give up its long-time online message board, UAUGTalk. To replace it, we moved to Discord, a more up-to-date messaging platform designed for communities to communicate via text, voice, and video, fostering collaboration and interaction among users. Since switching to Discord, we've set up channels for members to discuss topics relevant to the group's focus, such as iPhones and iPads, Homekit, Photos, and group announcements such as meeting cancellations. In addition, we use Discord to conduct board meetings and to make general meetings accessible for those who cannot attend in person. The UAUG Discord server is private, so only members can see and post in the discussion and video/voice areas. To participate, members must first set up a free Discord account. At this month's meeting, we will briefly demo Discord then split off to help members one-on-one to get set up with a Discord account and access to our private server. If you've been hesitant or have been putting off joining Discord, this is the meeting to attend to learn more about it and to get set up to access it!

Feel free to share any questions or comments you have about Discord or the group's use of Discord before the meeting in the #using-discord channel on our Discord server or by emailing us at the address below.

Not a member? Join at any meeting for $20, to be eligible for meeting door prizes and a guaranteed chance at one of this year's Grand Prizes.

Questions? Please post on Discord or email us at the address below.

"People helping people."

Are you an Apple product user in the Utica/Rome area or western Mohawk Valley of central NY? Then welcome to the online home of UAUG, a group of people who, like you, want to get the most out of using their computers and devices made by Apple. Eleven months out of the year, we meet to discuss and learn about our Apple products and the software and peripherals that can be used with them. 

When we aren’t meeting, we stay in touch through our forum website on where members (and only members--no outsiders) ask questions, get answers, and find exclusive deals for user group members. Click here to find out more, including meeting places and times and how to join UAUG.

Stay in touch with other UAUG members on a round-the-clock basis through the group's private Discord server (only UAUG members can register to access this member-only content and post to the channels). Members can use the free Discord app on their Macs, iPads, or iPhones, or the web browser on their Mac. Are you a UAUG member, but not yet a Discord user? Email us at our Gmail address for information about joining Discord and accessing the UAUG server.